RecruitBPM partners with eSkill to offer improved  candidate skill assessment. When it comes to the process of recruiting, interviews and resumes are not enough. Undoubtedly, a candidate’s experience, qualifications, and references offer insight regarding their knowledge and past experience. Yet, one of the most efficient methods to get proper insights into the candidate’s capabilities is to carry out a skill assessment.

What is Skills Assessment?

 A skills assessment evaluates whether an individual has the aptitude to carry particular skillsets. Most commonly, it’s an assessment of skillsets peculiar to a job position. Theoretically, the evaluation gauges the level of excellence for individual skills, to help you identify which participants are at the beginner level and those with advance proficiency for the specialized skills.

There are various techniques and resources to carry out skills assessments. For example, you can perform the evaluation in person and/or online through mock tests, questionnaires, and observations. Another example, evaluate the skillsets for “managing project risks” with the prerequisites. The status of skillsets could be assessed with competency indicators of: “Limited,” “Basic,” “Intermediate,” “Advanced,” or “Expert.” 

Nonetheless, you might be preferring to perform systemized, unbiased and reliable evaluations. A large number of companies employ a skills management system like eSkill™ to generate and send online skills evaluations conditional to the job position(s) across the organization. The results are consolidated, constantly up-to-date, and readily accessible.

Reasons to Use RecruitBPM and eSkill’s Assessment Platform

 Some of the candidates may have an excellent educational background. While others may have extraordinary job experience. Many skills evaluation tests are not partial or unbiased. RecruitBPM’s applicant tracking system integrated eSkill, offers customized tests with a variety of recruiting and employee growth initiatives:  

  • Recruiting: Employing an applicant tracking system with a skills evaluation test can be quite useful for the recruiters and HR professionals to consolidate the list of applicants to interview or to select the right one from the final applicants for a vacant position.
  • Career Development: Another usage of recruiting software with skills assessment test is for evaluating the potential and productivity of the existing employees, to let them have knowledge of the improvement of their essential skills as they increase their experience.  
  • Learning and Development: A skills assessment can work as an elementary and impartial checkpoint to guarantee that the training is actually effective to help the employees advance along their learning path.
  • Quick Adoption of New Skills: The COVID-19 pandemic is a reminder for us to believe that the skills go under constant evolvement. From efficiently employing the usage of video meetings to practicing new social distancing protocols or business practices. Organizations can have precise insights into the employees’ level of expertise for the new essential skill before clearing them for work.

Benefits of Using RecruitBPM and eSkill for Skills Assessment

RecruitBPM’s skills assessment tests impartially evaluate the skills of the individuals. Given the fact that there are unlimited advantages of utilizing them. Below are just a few:

  • Lessened Bias: Particularly during the recruiting process, fundamental partialities can influence the hiring decisions. The more focus is directed to skills assessment. Bias towards the factors such as age, gender, former employer, qualifications, location, and other aspects. As that can involuntarily influence a recruiter or an HR manager.
  • Reliability: In the absence of an applicant tracking system with a skills assessment solution integration, HR managers have only to rely on the human reports of expertise – lacking an impartial agreement on the “scale.” Some job applicants may rate their skills as “3” on a 3-point scale, while others may rank them as “2” – despite their levels of expertise may be the same. Hence, a skills assessment system performs excellently assigning impartial meaning to that 1-2-3- scale.
  • Personalized Development Strategies: Not having advanced level expertise in the skillsets required for a job shouldn’t be a barrier for a competent employees’ promotion or hiring new ones. A skills assessment test is very useful in precisely identifying the fields where individuals can help to improve their skills. Hence, a piece of cake for them to design an appropriate, personalized learning and development strategy. 
  • Evaluate Improvement: Whether keeping a track of the evolvement of individuals or teams, consistent use of RecruitBPM’s skills assessment test can verify the improvements – or track down the skill fields where the training and support must be increased.
  • Employee Engagement: Undoubtedly in every organization, there are those employees who want to learn and grow. Skills assessment comes with the main purpose of helping them to grow; identifying and helping with the improvement of their skills keeps the employees engaged.

RecruitBPM Teams up with eSkill

RecruitBPM has partnered with eSkill to provide the recruiters and HR professionals with an integrated solution. It brings efficiency and efficacy to your recruiting and hiring processes. As automation helps in pre-employment assessments. It expedites your recruiting and hiring processes. As you don’t have to sift through thousands of applications anymore.

eSkill integration with RecruitBPM’s applicant tracking system allows the users to manifest a great level of control. Such as control over the assessment of the candidates’ skills, and pre-hiring evaluation tests and results. This integration lets you develop customizable employment assessment tests. As it has an extensive modular subject library available in the eSkill Test Center. Furthermore, you can send personalized tests directly to the applicants.

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