Most staffing firms provide greater client satisfaction that helps them generate business revenue. They try to stay a step ahead of their competition in various ways. One of the ways is email integration with their CRM, ATS, and other such systems. As it allows them to achieve a greater number of placements and maximize their productivity. Therefore, it’s essential for recruiting firms to positively impact the candidate experience. One way to do this is with RecruitBPM’s simple email integration feature.

How Does Integrating Your Accounts To One Single Platform Help To Enrich The Candidate Experience?

Email integration with Office 365 or Gmail is the first step towards creating a positive candidate experience. RecruitBPM allows the staffing agencies to not only send out emails directly from their platform but also systematically manage all the candidate history ensuring that the recruiters have all the relevant data for decision making at a click of a button.

Access to all the vital information via RecruitBPM helps to establish clear expectations for the candidate. Further, it allows the recruiter to be honest, respectful, and upfront about the whole process. The ease of responding through one platform helps the recruiter gauge the perspective of the candidate. Additionally, it helps the firm provide an exceptional experience rather than offering a run of sales-centric mindset.

Prompt Response

Recruiters can integrate and respond in no time at all, which helps to satisfy the needs of candidates who expect prompt responses. Most importantly, the direct access to your emails via RecruitBPM allows you to quickly close the loop and help you keep the candidate informed of where he or she might stand in the recruiting process; greatly improving the candidate experience.

What impact does email integration has on clients?

The number of successful placements usually dictates client satisfaction. While email integration can generate placements through improved communication on both sides. If the recruitment firm is able to provide an exemplary candidate experience. Then it will translate into a candidate who is well versed in the needs of the client and its potential employer.  Further, developing a better understanding of what is expected of them can allow the candidate to be better prepared not only for the job interview. It can also prepare them as well for the potential job that they might end up doing. A good candidate who clearly understands the intricacies of the potential job offer is far more likely to please the client than a candidate who is not.

It seems like asking a lot of the recruiting firms to deliver. All of this is possible through the integration of your email accounts to a single platform. It will help in finding a suitable candidate in sync with the requirements. It will also ensure a satisfied client who is getting the resource with the most potential to deliver on the requirements identified.

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