Is your business looking to adopt a Top Customer Relation Management (CRM) System? Before you jump to any decision. look for the following five elements that make or break any top CRM systems.

  • Contact Management
  • Mobility
  • Analytics
  • Customization
  • Ease of use

Now let’s take a detailed look at each feature one by one.

Contact Management

The top CRM systems are designed to help your business better connect with your customers. The best CRM systems allow businesses to record important customer data, assisting you in managing contacts, as well as setting up reminders and meetings via the built-in calendar. Moreover, it gives you a platform to help create in-depth support tickets for any issue, as well as developing and sharing crucial client insights between various departments are truly valuable features in a CRM


Secondly, the top CRM systems are all cloud-based. Hence, providing you with the luxury to access your client database wherever you are, through any device at any time. Moreover, with an increasing number of users preferring mobile devices for CRM access, it is important that all CRM systems are mobile responsive.


Thirdly, data is of no use to you if your CRM system is unable to let you glean crucial insights into the information you have on your customers. The best CRM systems provide you with detailed reports that shed light on behavioral patterns and consumption patterns of your customers, which will help you appropriately pitch your product or service to the customer and ultimately finalize or close the deal.


In addition to the above, the best CRM platforms offer you the option of setting up your own customized dashboard, showcasing the vital indicators necessary to close a deal with a client. The option to customize according to a particular customer group or according to your preference not only gives you the option to tailor your portal but also to analyze and reevaluate your existing processes.

Ease of Use

Top CRM systems are preferred by the users because of the simplicity in which they can be operated.  They allow easy access to information that helps them make their customers feel that the business revolves around them. Users can get desired reports through a click of a button.

Bonus Elements of Top CRM Systems

Apart from these 5 vital elements that must be in top CRM systems. There a few other elements that help a CRM system stand apart from other systems in the market include:

Sales Team Performance Tracking

How have your sales representatives performed in each quarter, month or year? The best CRM software will provide you with clear metrics on how each resource is performing.

Email Marketing

Email marketing ensures that not only does your business have a way to connect with your customers. But it also builds on the rapport established through the initial contact or meeting. A good platform will provide you with an easy to use mechanism that facilitates sending out emails to your clients.

Competitor Tracking

In conclusion, your business can only compete with the best if it understands the dynamics of the industry it is operating in and the status of its competitors. A Top CRM will keep you well-informed of all the latest developments on this front.  Lastly, it’s crucial that you pay close attention to the elements that are critical in shaping a top CRM platform.

Did you know that RecruitBPM has every above feature? RecruitBPM offers a free trial of its applicant tracking system and CRM. Sign up for a demo today as you’ve got nothing to lose. That’s right! you now have access to hundreds of key features all at no cost. Therefore, make most of this trial offer now!



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