In the contemporary world of advanced recruitment approaches, the primary concern of almost every recruiting firm is to develop their digital representation. With ever evolving job market landscape, the expectations of candidates have also gone dynamic. Therefore, in order for the staffing companies to practice robust recruitment approaches, a rigorous drill check is inevitable.

Like any other industry, the staffing industry also went through considerable transformations over the course of the past few years. The good news, however, is that you’re still not late to catch the recruitment bandwagon. With small and consistent baby steps, you can switch to a novel recruitment model quite conveniently.

To begin with, RecruitBPM has got 5 pivotal suggestions for you to refine your recruitment approaches.

Must Quit Recruitment Approaches

  • Exclusive Reliance on Conventional Recruiting Approaches

Beyond any shadows of doubt, every system inevitably grows towards its collapse. By the same token, all such recruitment approaches that worked well in the past might not suffice the needs of today. Sounds reasonable, right. Moreover, with exponential advancements in technology, effective recruitment approaches have greatly altered the course of traditional recruiting ways.

Ever since the recruitment industry and technology collided, the staffing landscape has witnessed significant changes. In effect, the role of recruiter demands you to be flexible and welcoming to the new recruitment approaches rampant in the market. No doubt these strategies are going to be fruitful. Had these approaches not been effective, they wouldn’t have been famous, right.

Ever wondered what’s harder than learning something new?

Its unlearning already established dogmas.

Yet, unlearning wrong ways is pivotal in order to make space for something new and better. Hence, it’s about time for you to forgo traditional recruitment approaches and start practicing innovative ways to your advantage.

  • Balance Between Onboarding New Hires and Retaining Incumbent Employees

The US workforce witnessed staggering resignation rates as part of a phenomenon that is commonly known as The Great Resignation . Harvard Business Review quoted that “ In 2021, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 47 million Americans voluntarily quit their jobs.” What’s worse is that this economic trend isn’t over yet and is still leering around. With employee resignation rates on the hike, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the recruiters to find desired talent.

To counter this effect, many organizations are now offering better wages and benefits to stay competitive in the labor market and attract potential candidates.

However, the flip side presents a clearly different perspective. If you entirely direct your efforts on onboarding new employees solely, you might risk losing your incumbent human resource. Thus, a working employee retention strategy is essential for retaining existing employees.

An effective employee retention strategy should thus be part and parcel of your recruitment strategies. Right from the beginning of the hiring process, employees must have a sound understanding of such retention policies. This will not only refrain them from actively looking elsewhere but would also liberate you from the drag of hiring new employees every next quarter.

  • Succumbing to Nurture Candidate Churn

Succumbing to nurture their candidate churn is a common denominator shared by most recruiters globally. The pipelines of all such recruiters consists of only those candidates whose natural recruitment life cycle hasn’t come to an end yet. Whereas realistically, anybody who has ever applied to any of your positions should contribute to your talent pool. It is critically important for the recruiters to keep those communication lines alive.

Not everyone who submits their resume ought to be hired instantly. Nonetheless, recruiters need to find ways of reaching out to them on a regular basis. This pursuit greatly helps recruiters to fill any future vacancy by simply skimming through their extended pipeline of candidates.

Its not all wrong when they say

Your Network is Your Net Worth

  • Stilted Communication Lines

It may surely be easier for you to write a generic email and forward it to a list of candidates. Addressing each candidate with respect to their profile is definitely going to cost you time, but the results may surprising you. There was a study conducted by Greg Lewis to elicit InMail Response Rates using personalized texts in email body. Subsequently, LinkedIn reported a 15% increased response rate from the candidates who were sent a personalized email in contrast to the control group that got generic bulk emails. It offers great insight for the recruiters. Thus, if you ever come across a profile that well suits your needs, put in extra effort to study that candidate before reaching out or sending cold emails. In turn, it’d be more likely for you to make a convenient conversion of that profile.

  • Limited Sourcing Channels

Before the outbreak of CoVid-19 pandemic, the concept of remote working was alien to a huge fraction of firms worldwide. It was a misconception that remote work culture could be detrimental to the overall economy of the company. However, post CoVid trends exhibited strangely different results. Today, more and more companies tend to foster remote work culture owing to fairly understandable reasons.

Among these added advantages, one significant is the flexibility to have a diverse set of employees. Consequently, remote work approach enables companies to hire employees based on their career profiles regardless of their geographical mobility. You will be all set to craft a versatile team of top talent if you incorporate this sourcing aspect with other recruitment approaches.

By liberating itself from sourcing only locally, a firm can also substantially cut its functional and operational costs associated with any single employee.

Before you get tired of reading, the good news is that there is a plethora of advance applicant tracking software available in markets that you can wield to your benefit. RecruitBPM is an all inclusive solution for all your hiring needs. Furthermore, if you need to know more about how our applicant tracking system works, you can always request a free live demo with RecruitBPM.

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