Undeniably, today is the world of advanced technologies, and those who ignore this fact are usually left behind. To keep up with the fast-moving world, it is vital to use modern technologies in every field of life. To make your business a success, you need to hire skillful talent. Have you ever wondered why you end up with a huge pool of irrelevant applicants for that open job position? Despite clearly mentioning the required skills and qualifications, you might still end up with a pool of undesirable talent. This happens when your organization is missing out on rather effective technologies available e.g. the Applicant Tracking Software for recruiting.

There are numerous recruitment service providers, but you don’t have to look much further than the ATS offered by RecruitBPM. It not only provides the recruiting services and latest integration but also offers free demo to interested teams so they can fully understand and utilize the product. Apart from this, there are four main reasons that you should sign up for RecruitBPM’s free applicant tracking software.

1. Easy Management of Huge Volume of Applicants:

Considering the high rates of unemployment, when you advertise a job position you might have noticed that it prompts a huge volume of applications directed towards the job offered by your company. Handling these applications manually, or with an inadequate applicant tracking system, can kill a recruiter’s productivity. A comprehensive ATS, like RecruitBPM, is the best possible solution to easily manage a huge volume of applicants in a short amount of time. RecruitBPM’s effective training and walkthroughs teach you how to use the ATS, so you can easily achieve the goal of having only the relevant candidates to consider for the advertised job while also improving the quality of your hiring procedures.

Applicant Tracking Software


2. Time and Cost Effective Applicant Tracking Software:

You already know that managing your applicants by manual data entry into your company’s database is never easy, and there is no fun in doing a job using obsolete techniques when there are latest technologies at hand waiting for you in the marketplace. The applicant tracking software expedites the management of your applicants’ data. It also saves you from the trouble of manual management, which in turn saves a lot of your time and money consequently. Because if you go for outdated techniques, then you would need more workforce that will require more expense and it will also take a lot of time to perform the task. Employing an ATS to manage the pool of applicants means all you need is a few employees of yours who can perform the job with just a click of the button through applicant tracking software automation.

3. Building Effective Pipelines of Skilled Applicants:

Whenever businesses advertise for new hiring, they receive a large volume of applicants of varied skills and experience. An Applicant Tracking Software is the quickest way to sift through such huge volume of applicants and select the most appropriate and eligible candidates.

The question arises, what about the rest of the candidates who are not hired for the job?

The good news is that RecruitBPM’s ATS  also offers the amazing feature of building an effective pipeline of skillful candidates for future job openings. Thereby, an ATS consequently saves your recruiters’ time, that improves your overall hiring process.

4. Simple Contact Management Via ATS:

The best applicant tracking software is one that offers proactive contact management. Thereby enabling your team to efficiently handle the huge pool of contacts that your company relies on for its job requisitions. With efficient contact management paired with full circle applicant tracking, it makes a great recruiting strategy.  It also helps you to offer a positive and constructive experience for your team.

RecruitBPM Premium Trial is 100% Free

There is no denying the fact that many recruiting software offer their applicant tracking systems at very expensive rates. No doubt large companies can afford it without worrying much. However, small businesses or startups can definitely not. RecruitBPM offers an enriched candidate experience. It also strongly focuses on catering for small to mid-sized organizations – all for free. Hence, ATS is revolutionizing the world of recruitment. Moreover, it also ensures that all organizations, regardless of size, can keep up with the demand for applicant tracking. So, don’t waste your time or money, and sign up for your very own free applicant tracking software portal today!

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