The Applicant Tracking System ATS was at first introduced in the late 1990s. It aimed to help job seekers and employers to keep track of applicants and their details. There are different kinds of applicant tracking software out there in the market depending on their functionalities. Hence, they differ in their performance as well. If you have employed an applicant tracking system ATS in your organization and are not satisfied with its working, look for the following 10 signs to update it.

  • Candidate Drop-Off Rates and Experience

    In the past, applicant tracking system ATS was designed as a retailer site. It had an accounting functionality, shopping cart and the sign-up feature. However, in the contemporary times, all the stages of a recruitment process are managed by applicant tracking system ATS. Therefore, if you are experiencing a drop off rate among your candidates’ database, you ought to figure out the reasons and take necessary measure to overcome this counterproductive notion.

  • Promote Employee Referral Program

    In the past, employees used to visit employee referral pages to view the new updates regarding new jobs and subsequently apply to the company of their interests. However, in the contemporary times, applicant tracking ATS has integrated tools that can automatically find and match jobs for employees and proactively direct market and networks to employees. Therefore, if you are not using employee referral program as part of your recruiting strategies, you’re missing out on valuable resource big time.

  • Database of Candidates, Applicants, and Leads

    In the past, the recruiters used to take help of data base agencies. These agencies used to keep a manual register of the wide variety of applicants. This was a cumbersome process for both the recruiters and applicants to close an open job position optimally. However, in the contemporary times, applicant tracking ATS offers you to perform an easy and results-driven search. It also provides recruiters with propriety database. Therefore, it’s very important that you have a fully integrated applicant tracking system ATS as part of your recruiting strategies.

    Recruit BPM is a great career portal and includes a great number of other features. Learn More about the additional features of this affordable and handy platform!

  • Interviews and Selection Activities

    In the past, hiring of candidates in the company was not a collaborative effort and the process was dependent on things like voicemails and email updates between the hiring managers, recruiters, and interviewing teams. However, in the contemporary times, applicant tracking system ATS offers an easy and engaging hiring experience to prospective candidates. It provides a desktop version and mobile friendly interface to its users. Moreover, it also enables the interview feedback to the candidates to offer them a rich recruiting experience. Therefore, it is highly critical for you employ an applicant tracking system ATS as part of your recruiting strategies.

  • Analytics and Reporting through Applicant Tracking System

    In the past, the recruiters had to elicit information from different sources such as candidate self-selected source data, relying on spreadsheets and third parties to get the reports regarding the open job positions. However, in the contemporary times, applicant tracking system ATS provides the recruiters with the required information regarding the open positions. It also assists the candidates in making decisions for their maximum benefits.

  • Marketing and Corporate Career Site

    In the past, the recruiters had to rely on multiple IT resources and marketing channels to elicit any information regarding corporate career sites and branding. They had to attend internal meetings and build project plans. However, in the contemporary times, applicant tracking system ATS offers the recruiters to build a corporate career site. Moreover, if you want to target a specific audience, you can deploy a new landing page as well through applicant tracking system ATS.

  • Distributing the Jobs and Marketing

    In the past, the hiring managers had to take the services of third tier parties to post ads of open job positions. In the contemporary times, however, the applicant tracking system ATS has automated this task and autonomously advertises and distributes the job ads to relevant channels.

  • Managing External Recruiters

    In the past, services of third parties had to be availed to contact and connect the candidates with the recruiters. However, in the contemporary times, applicant tracking system ATS has integrated this feature in its system and instantly connects the candidate and the recruiters.

  • Integrated Applicant Tracking System ATS

    In the past, recruiters had to go through various data bases and online channels to get the candidate profiles. However, in the contemporary times, applicant tracking software ATS comes with various useful integrations. LinkedIn integration is the most useful feature of any applicant tracking software ATS. This is so because it can automatically track if any random profile is already part of your ATS or not. This feature enables the recruiters to alter their hiring mechanism in a strategic manner. Similarly, in order to ensure a positive candidate experience, there are a variety of AI integrations available.

  • CRM capabilities for lead generation and sourcing

    In the past, the applicant tracking system ATS could track applicants only after they had applied. Moreover, it could not manage activities such as relationship management, sourcing, lead generation etc. However, in the contemporary times, there are many applicant tracking system ATS available for disposal that come with great functionalities. They don’t require third tier vendors for their services since modern ATS are now fully equipped with most useful tools.

In conclusion, recruiting teams have to face the above all on daily basis. Moreover, if your Applicant Tracking System (ATS) doesn’t meet all your needs or facing some of these problems. Then it’s about time you upgrade your ATS. RecruitBPM is a great applicant tracking system that offers various features and free demo that you don’t find in many other systems. Above all, this tool comes at an affordable price.

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