ContineoHealth: Streamlined Hiring with RecruitBPM Automation

RecruitBPM revolutionized ContineoHealth’s talent acquisition process, utilizing AI-driven automations to enhance efficiency, improve candidate quality, and reduce hiring times dramatically.




Savings on Recruitment Cost



Quality Hires Secured



Recruitment Budget Savings



Average Requisitions/Month

recruitbpm & Contineo Health logos


Industry Recruitment
Industry: Healthcare
Region: US
Recruitment Type
Recruitment Type: Recruiting
Company Size
Company Size: 500-1000


ContineoHealth, a leading healthcare IT consulting firm, specializes in providing top-tier EHR and digital transformation solutions to healthcare providers. With a focus on innovation and improving patient care through technology, ContineoHealth faced the challenge of attracting and retaining the right talent in a highly competitive market. The firm's commitment to excellence necessitated a sophisticated talent acquisition software that could not only streamline their hiring process but also ensure the alignment of candidates with their high standards and dynamic project needs.


  • Scalability Issues: Struggled to efficiently scale recruitment efforts to match rapid business growth and project demands

  • Inefficient Processes: Manual and disjointed recruitment workflows led to prolonged hiring times and increased operational costs

  • Candidate Engagement: Difficulty in maintaining consistent communication and engagement with candidates throughout the recruitment process.

  • Quality of Hire: Challenges in attracting and identifying candidates who align with ContineoHealth's vision and technological expertise.

  • Data-Driven Decisions: Lack of a unified platform for analytics and reporting to make informed recruitment decisions

Partnering with RecruitBPM revolutionized how we approach recruitment. Their automation features not only streamlined our processes but also enhanced our candidate engagement, allowing us to attract and retain top talent effectively and efficiently

Brenda Johnson

Hiring Manager


  • Automated Workflows: Streamlined recruitment processes with automated sequences and automations, significantly reducing time-to-hire and operational costs.

  • Enhanced Candidate Engagement: Utilized automated communication and engagement tools to keep clients and candidates informed and engaged throughout the hiring process.

  • Scalable Recruitment Strategy: Leveraged RecruitBPM's scalable platform to easily adjust recruitment efforts in line with business growth.

  • CAdvanced Candidate Sourcing: Employed AI-driven tools for sourcing and assessing candidates, ensuring a better quality of hire.

  • Data-Driven Insights: Integrated analytics and reporting features enabled data-driven decision-making, optimizing recruitment strategies.


Implementing RecruitBPM's automation features, ContineoHealth not only overcame its recruitment challenges but also set a new benchmark in healthcare IT recruitment. The strategic partnership enabled ContineoHealth to realize substantial improvements in operational efficiency, candidate quality, and overall recruitment effectiveness. As ContineoHealth continues to grow and evolve, RecruitBPM's solutions ensure that its recruitment processes remain robust, agile, and aligned with the company's mission to innovate healthcare solutions. This case study exemplifies how leveraging technology can transform recruitment, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and excellence.

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