There are numerous benefits that job boards offer to recruiters and HR professionals. Similarly, there are many incentives for the recruiters to use job boards. However, the most important one is their ability to integrate with applicant tracking systems e.g. Job Inventory.  As a recruiter or hiring professional when you post an open position on a job board, you are most likely to get a great number of applications against that job. Sorting these applications individually might consume a great part of your time and it is also obvious that a majority of those candidates might not be qualified.

Using a job board that is integrated with your applicant tracking system (ATS) will help you discover the most suitable candidates faster. The applications get filtered through job boards integration with ATS, and this recruiting software very effectively narrows down the applicants prior to your sourcing process.

An applicant tracking system can be very helpful as it can draw candidates from different sources into the same pipeline. This feature is very beneficial particularly in the case of multiple job boards’ integration.

RecruitBPM Integrates With Job Inventory

We understand the significance of online job boards for both employers and candidates. Therefore, we are glad to announce RecruitBPM’s integration with Job Inventory; one of the most popular and well-liked job boards.

So, what basically Job Inventory is for? For the most part, it works as a job search engine, enabling a quick connection of candidates and employers. It brings all the jobs in one place for the applicants, saving them from spending countless hours on different sites.

Job Inventory indexes approximately 6 million jobs fetched from some of the best and well-reputed job sites. Wondering what makes this job board so unique? It is the No Ads policy that distinguishes Job Inventory. In more clear words, no ads appear on this job board.

This integration allows you to post the job form on one platform, dropping all the applications in one place and ultimately saving you from the fuss of posting the jobs and parsing through applications on different job sites. All in all, it simplifies your whole recruiting process.

Sign Up with RecruitBPM

RecruitBPM’s integration with Job Inventory enables its reach to a larger number of applicants. Moreover, it removes the complexity of posting the jobs from outside the RercuitBPM platform.

Find out more about the job inventory integration activation here.  If you’re new to RecruitBPM, sign up for a free live demo right away and find out how the free applicant tracking system work in benefit for your business.


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