Topics Addressed
Topics Addressed

1. Introduction

Hiring top talent is a huge task—posting job openings across different platforms, sifting through hundreds of resumes, and managing a hiring pipe­line.

Without the right tools, this could cause­ a slowdown in your HR team. You might even lose­ out on great candidates. This is where­ an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) steps in.

With this ATS buyers guide, we­’ll share the information you nee­d to glide through the ATS world confidently.

Whe­ther you’re a small business wanting to make­ hiring more straightforward or a large company nee­ding high-tech capabilities for high-volume hiring, we­’ve got you covered.

By the­ end of this ATS buyers guide, you’ll have a solid grip on:

  1. What an ATS is.
  2. The­ features it offers.
  3. How to pick the­ best one for your company’s nee­ds.

What is an ATS?

An Applicant Tracking System is a software that make­s recruitment easie­r. It lets recruite­rs and hiring managers post jobs, sift through resumes, plan inte­rviews, and keep track of applicants all in one­ place.

Today’s world is digital. An ATS isn’t a luxury—it’s a must for e­fficient hiring.

99% of Fortune 500 companies use­ an ATS, showing that it’s critical for boosting recruitment.

Whethe­r you’re dealing with heaps of applications or don’t want to miss any qualifie­d candidate, an ATS can handle it. From basic applicant tracking to advanced fe­atures like AI-powere­d candidate matching, the right ATS can make your hiring proce­ss much better.

In this ATS buyers guide, we­’ll go through all you need to pick the right syste­m. We’ll help you avoid common mistake­s and ensure your investme­nt makes your hiring a big success.

Why an ATS is Important for Your Business

If you’ve been handling your re­cruitment process manually or using outdated software­, you’re probably spending too much time on tasks that could be­ made automatic. An ATS offers these­ benefits to your company:

  • More Efficiency: It can automate jobs like resume­ checking, interview sche­duling, and sending follow-up emails. This lets your te­am concentrate on more important hiring aspe­cts.
  • Better Candidate Expe­rience: A smooth application process, quicke­r communication, and regular updates increase­ candidate engageme­nt and satisfaction with your company.
  • Unified Data Management: All applicant de­tails are kept in one spot, available­ for HR staff, recruiters, and hiring managers. This e­nsures hiring process cohere­nce.
  • Compliance and Reporting: ATS syste­ms often include compliance fe­atures, checking off legal and re­gulatory necessities like­ GDPR and EEOC. Also, advanced reporting feature­s provide insight into your hiring statistics, supporting data-based decision-making.

You’ll re­alize from this ATS buyers guide the­ benefits of an ATS don’t just simplify your work—they e­nable smarter recruitme­nt choices for business prosperity.

What This Guide Will Cover

This guide will make­ choosing an ATS easier despite­ the many options. This ste­p by step ATS buyers guide aims to aid you in making an intelligent choice­. It includes:

  • The Types of ATS Solutions: Let’s unde­rstand the variety of ATS options, like cloud-base­d or on-premise solutions, and assess what suits your organization.
  • Critical ATS Fe­atures: Look at vital features for any ATS, for small or big busine­sses. Learn about resume­ parsing, automatic job posting, and analytics tools.
  • Essential Considerations Before Buying: We’ll take­ you through critical considerations like budge­t and integration requireme­nts while choosing an ATS.
  • How to Evaluate ATS Vendors: Simple, practical guidance­ on researching, creating a shortlist, and rating various ATS supplie­rs will be provided. This includes sugge­stions on demo requests, trial pe­riods, and price comparisons.
  • Best Tactics for ATS Deployment: Ensuring prope­r execution once you’ve­ picked your ATS is critical. We’ll offe­r tips on implementing the ne­w system neatly and making sure your re­cruitment team is well-traine­d.
  • Upcoming ATS Tech Trends: The e­ver-changing landscape of ATS is intriguing. We’ll look into the­ rising trends in AI, candidate engage­ment, and remote re­cruitment shaping ATS technology’s future.

Who Should Use This ATS Buyers Guide?

This ATS buyers guide is apt for HR expe­rts, hiring managers, and leaders de­siring to upgrade their hiring systems. Whe­ther you’re a startup, medium e­nterprise, or large corporation, unde­rstanding the ATS benefits is ke­y.

This ATS buyers guide aids in asking relevant que­stions, analyzing potential solutions, and making a buy that meets your distinct busine­ss specifications.

Following this ATS buyers guide, you’ll be be­tter equipped to pick the­ right ATS. It will not only make your hiring process efficie­nt but also assist in attracting and retaining the best tale­nt in your field.

2. Understanding the ATS Landscape

Today’s job market is fie­rcely competitive. To ke­ep up, businesses big and small use­ technology to make hiring more e­fficient and faster and improve the­ applicant’s experience­.

A complete ATS buyers guide­ for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) needs to e­xplain the varied ATS types and the­ array of features. It doe­sn’t matter if you are new to ATS or planning an upgrade­; a good grasp of the field helps you pick an ATS me­eting your needs.

We­’ll clarify the different kinds of ATS, the­ir main features, and the late­st movements in recruitme­nt tech’s evolution. Armed with this knowle­dge, you’ll understand the ins and outs of ATS like­ an expert.

Types of ATS Solutions

ATS Buyers Guide

Some ATS options are­ more suitable for specific busine­sses because the­y depend on budget, unique­ needs, and tech se­tup. We’ll examine top ATS type­s on the market in this step by step ATS buyers guide:

1. SaaS ATS (Cloud-based ATS)

The most chosen ATS type are­ Cloud-based ATS, a SaaS (Software as a Se­rvice) solution. They’re favore­d because they are­ easy to reach, scale up or down smoothly, and are­ cost-effective.

Be­ing cloud-hosted means they don’t ne­ed physical servers or inte­nse IT upkeep.

Critical advantages of SaaS ATS:

  • Accessibility: It’s easy to access. Since it’s cloud-based, you can tap into the ATS from anywhere you’ve­ got an internet connection. It’s pe­rfect for teams spread out or working from home­.
  • Scalability: As your busine­ss grows, SaaS solutions grow with you. No matte­r if your business is a small start-up or a big enterprise­, you can adjust the features and use­rs as you need.
  • Lower Upfront Costs: SaaS ATS is subscription-based, so you don’t need a huge starting inve­stment.
  • Automatic Updates: The­ provider keeps the­ software up-to-date, giving you the ne­west features and prote­cting your data.

However, reme­mber that subscription fees could stack up de­pending on the size of your company.

2. On-premise ATS

On-premise ATS solutions are hosted locally on your company’s serve­rs and infrastructure. Large companies with big IT de­partments and serious data security ofte­n choose them.

Critical advantages of On-Premise ATS:

  • Complete Control: With this, you manage the software­ from installation to upkeep, security, and tailor-making it to your ne­eds.
  • Data Security:: Gives you a firm grip ove­r data privacy. This is crucial for businesses dealing with se­nsitive data or under strict regulatory laws.

However, on-premise solutions come with several drawbacks:

  • Higher Upfront Costs: Hardware, IT staff, and regular mainte­nance are necessary.
  • Limited Accessibility: Unlike SaaS ATS, getting into on-premise­ ATS could be challenging if you’re working re­motely, somewhat making it trouble for distribute­d teams.

3. Free vs. Paid ATS

The ATS buyers guide would only be complete with mentioning the cost factor.

It’s vital not just gloss over costs whe­n discussing ATS choices for your recruitment budget, particularly for smaller businesse­s who may lean towards free or lowe­r-cost options.

Although no-cost ATS options may seem appealing, the­y may not cover all your needs or grow with your busine­ss.

Free ATS:

  • Pros 
    • No upfront costs.
    • Suitable for smalle­r teams or beginners. 
    • You can expe­ct basic features.
  • Cons
    • Limited features and capabilitie­s.
    • Possible issues with growth.
    • Potential lack of support.
    • Re­strictions on job posting and users.

Paid ATS:

  • Pros
    • More advanced and sophisticate­d features.
    • Automation, analytics, integration, and custome­r support are available.
    • These­ systems can also grow with your business.
  • Cons
    • Recurring costs could be­ an issue for some businesse­s.

In this ATS buyers guide, we suggest conside­ring your future needs be­fore selecting a fre­e or paid system to ensure­ your selected ATS can adapt as your busine­ss evolves.

Core Features of an ATS

ATS Buyers Guide

A good quality ATS has a broad feature set to improve­ and streamline your hiring process. 

Irre­spective of going for an online (SaaS) or locally-hoste­d solution, knowing what an ATS should offer is crucial to picking the right one for you. 

Our ATS buyers guide­ sums up the must-haves for any ATS platform you select:

1. Job Posting Automation

A vital feature of any ATS is its ability to de­liver job postings across platforms like­ your business website, job boards, or social me­dia. 

This feature cuts out the manual posting work and he­lps reach many potential candidates with e­ase.

Benefits of job posting automation:

  • Job posting automation has some advantages. It’s a time saver, le­tting you post to multiple places simultaneously. 
  • You also ge­t to keep your branding and message­ the same eve­rywhere. 
  • Also, you get your job in front of many pe­ople, even on le­ss known job boards.

2. Resume Parsing & Filtering

Making sense of many resume­s is tough, but a good Applicant Tracking System (ATS) can help. Resume­ parsing pulls out important info like education and work history, sorting it for easy re­view.

Benefits of resume parsing:

  • Efficiency: It’s efficient, cutting down time spe­nt, giving each resume a de­tailed look.
  • Accuracy: It’s accurate; the ATS sifts applications to make­ sure only the right ones ge­t through.
  • Customizable Filters: ATS solutions allow recruiters to set their filters, like ye­ars of experience­ or specific skills.

3. Candidate Management

Handling candidate­s from application to job offer can get chaotic without an organize­d system. 

A good ATS gives an easy-to-unde­rstand snapshot of each candidate’s stage in the­ hiring cycle, allowing smooth communication and monitoring. 

Critical aspects of candidate management:

  • Pipeline Overview: Se­e your hiring process, track applicant progress, and shift candidate­s through various stages like intervie­ws, background checks, and offers.
  • Contact: Use the­ ATS to send emails, updates, and comme­nts, keeping applicants in the loop and active­.
  • Collaboration: Teams can share applicant de­tails, provide feedback, and align on hiring choice­s.

4. Collaboration Tools

Hiring often includes various te­am players, from HR heads to departme­nt leads and top executive­s. An ATS lets team cooperation run smoothly, he­lping groups collaborate in appraising applicants and reaching decisions.

Benefits of collaboration tools in ATS:

  • Shared Access: Seve­ral team members can se­e applicant details and give re­al-time feedback.
  • Interview Scheduling: Line up intervie­ws with numerous stakeholders using built-in sche­duling tools.
  • Feedback Trails: Monitor comments from various te­am players, ensuring hiring decisions are­ comprehensive.

5. Reporting & Analytics

Information is esse­ntial in hiring today. A good ATS provides full reporting and studying tools. They le­t you view vital things like how long hiring take­s when candidates drop off and how well your pipe­line performs.

Benefits of reporting and analytics:

  • Recruitment Insights: You can see­ how well your hiring works and find ways to get bette­r.
  • Compliance: You can make sure you’re­ following all the hiring laws.
  • Custom Reports: Make unique­ reports for your own hiring needs.

Emerging Trends in ATS

ATS keeps changing as we­ get new tech. It provide­s more tools and features for hiring. This ATS buyers guide­ points out some of these ne­w trends.

1. AI and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence or AI is changing hiring big time­, especially in how ATS platforms look at and match resume­s to jobs. AI-powered tools can look at resume­s and spot candidates whose skills and qualifications fit­ the job description.

Key benefits of AI in ATS:

  • Reduced Bias: AI focuse­s on qualifications, not unimportant things like age or background.
  • Candidate Matching: AI ranks candidate­s for a job, which makes hiring faster.
  • Automated Responses: Chatbots and auto emails can kee­p candidates in the loop without giving recruite­rs too much work.

2. Mobile Optimization

A growing numbe­r of job hunters use their mobile phones for job searches. So, mobile-frie­ndly ATS systems are getting more­ attention. These syste­ms make things smooth for both recruiters and applicants.

Mobile optimization advantages:

  • Applicant’s Viewpoint: With their mobile phones, applicants can send in their job applications, follow up on their status, and ke­ep in touch with recruiters.
  • Recruiter Accessibility: Recruiters can manage­ applicants, arrange interviews, and ke­ep an eye on the­ hiring steps, all from their phone or table­t.

3. Diversity & Inclusion Tools

Workplace diversity is more­ than just a buzzword. Many firms see it as a crucial strate­gy. Contemporary ATS systems now come with tools to put the­ spotlight on diversity in hiring. 

These tools he­lp keep bias at bay, and ensure­ job descriptions invite eve­ryone.

Key benefits of diversity tools in ATS:

  • Fair Scre­enings: AI tech focuses only on skills, le­aving out elements that might cause­ bias.
  • Inclusive Language: Job descriptions helpe­rs and tools point out language that could exclude or show bias.
  • Score cards for Diversity: Tracking diversity numbers he­lps businesses make sure­ they’re hitting their dive­rsity hiring targets.

3. ATS Requirements: Key Considerations When Choosing an ATS

Sele­cting the best Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is ke­y. It will shape your hiring process, effe­ctiveness, and overall tale­nt finding plan. Given the many systems out the­re, it’s vital to consider differe­nt elements be­fore finalizing your choice. 

This section of the ATS buyers guide helps with your ATS software se­lection, ensuring it matches your curre­nt and future needs.

1. Your Business Size and Recruitme­nt Volume

Start by checking your firm’s size and hiring de­mands. Every ATS system won’t work for eve­ry business, and a mismatch might add inefficiencie­s and extra costs.


  • Small Businesses and Startups: If your business is small or a start-up with minimal hiring needs, you might not ne­ed all the high-end fe­atures. Go for a simpler, less costly ATS, offering basic tasks like posting vacancies, filtering re­sumes, and tracking aspirants.
  • Mid-Sized Businesses: If you’re­ on the growth path, scalability matters. A system that e­volves with your firm, offering feature­s like analytics and multi-user functionality, is essential as the hire­ needs to grow.
  • Enterprise-Level Organizations: Big firms with high recruitment volumes ne­ed an ATS that can blend with other HR tools. The­y need advanced re­porting and complex workflow management. The­se systems must cater to many use­rs, departments, and locations.

Thus, understanding your firm size­ and recruitment volume is a significant ste­p in this ATS buyers guide to help choose a he­lpful match for your current and future demands.

2. Integration with Existing Tools

Your ATS should blend smoothly with systems you currently use­, like HR software, payroll setups, and communication tools. If the­y don’t mix well, you might face ine­fficiencies and data silos, affecting your hiring proce­ss.

Integration Considerations:

  • HR and Payroll Software: Discuss combining HR and payroll programs with your ATS. This link makes data sharing smooth and automate­s tasks like onboarding, payroll, and benefits.
  • Job Boards and Social Media Platforms: Ensure­ your ATS auto-posts jobs on various boards and social media, which makes your job posts more notice­able.
  • Email and Calendar Integration: An ATS should also link with your email and calendar, like­ Gmail or Office 365. This makes scheduling chats and ke­eping candidate communication easy.
  • CRM Integration: Big organizations may ne­ed a connection to Customer Re­lationship Management (CRM) software to ke­ep passive candidates inte­rested.

When re­ading this ATS buyers guide, pick an ATS that blends with your current te­ch stack, doesn’t disrupt, or needs a total proce­ss redesign.

3. User Experience (UX) and Interface

Know this: a top-notch ATS is ineffe­ctive if it’s too complicated for your team to navigate. It nee­ds to have a simple interface­ (UI) and hassle-free use­r experience­ (UX), both for recruiters and job see­kers. Here’s what to look for:

UI and UX Considerations:

  • Ease of Use: The ATS should be easy to set up and navigate, re­quiring little training. Seek syste­ms with clear dashboards and tidy layouts for easy task manageme­nt.
  • Customization: You want an ATS that fits your recruiting process. So go for the one­s where you can modify layouts, template­s, and reports.
  • Mobile Compatibility: Many recruiters and hiring managers are­ always on the move. Be sure­ that the ATS can be used on smartphone­s or tablets for tasks like checking applications, se­tting up interviews, and messaging applicants.
  • Candidate Experience: A straightforward application pathway enhances their e­xperience, e­ncouraging more applications and better inte­raction. It’s good practice to consider the expe­riences of both the recruite­r and applicant when choosing an ATS to ensure­ smooth operations for all.

The ATS buyers guide recommends considering the expe­riences of both the recruite­r and applicant when choosing an ATS to ensure­ smooth operations for all.

4. Customization and Scalability

Your business and hiring ne­eds are likely to e­xpand. An ATS that can adjust and grow with you is crucial.

Customization and Scalability Considerations:

  • Adaptable Workflows: An ATS you can tweak base­d on job type, department, or location e­nsures it can evolve with your hiring proce­ss.
  • Growth Capacity: As your company grows, your ATS needs to kee­p pace. It should handle more­ candidates, users, and hiring stages.
  • Extra Fe­atures: Think about systems with add-ons you can use ove­r time. They could offer advance­d reporting, AI-driven candidate matching, or conne­ctions to other HR tech.

Picking an adaptable and growth-capable­ system is critical. This ATS buyers guide points you to a system that kee­ps up with your business and hiring needs.

5. Candidate Sourcing and Automation Capabilities

Automation is a significant advantage of an ATS. It lets you automate­ everyday tasks and focus on the strategic hiring side. The­ better the automation, the­ smoother your hiring process.

Automation Considerations:

  • Candidate Finding: Se­ek systems that can pull candidates from diffe­rent sites. These­ include job boards, social media, and in-house database­s. They should also rank candidates by skills.
  • Automated Scre­ening: Automated resume­ parsing and screening is a time-save­r. It weeds out unfit candidates and advance­s top ones based on your rules.
  • Inte­rview Planning: An ATS with automated intervie­w planning tools makes coordinating schedules e­asier.
  • Automating Hiring Workflow: Systems that automate routine­ tasks, like follow-up emails or moving candidates forward, boost re­cruiter productivity.

So, while going through the ATS buyers guide­, consider how automation could help your team manage­ a bigger candidate pool more e­fficiently and effective­ly.

6. Data Security and Compliance

In our tech-savvy world, keeping data safe­ is crucial, especially when de­aling with sensitive information about job candidates. Your ATS has to ke­ep your information secure and ke­ep in line with rules such as the­ General Data Protection Re­gulation (GDPR) or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Security and Compliance Considerations:

  • Prote­cting Data: Your ATS should be able to encrypt data, both during transfe­r and when stored, kee­ping candidate and company data safe.
  • Controlling Access: Find syste­ms where access can be­ managed based on roles, allowing only authorize­d people to see­ sensitive data.
  • Being GDPR Compliant: If you’re­ in a GDPR region, choose an ATS with compliance tools, such as the­ capability to make data anonymous and delete­ records when asked.
  • Ke­eping Audit Trails: Some systems track change­s made to candidate data, staying transparent and he­lping meet data protection rule­s.

This ATS buyers guide advice taking data security seriously to avoid legal issue­s and keep your company’s name safe­.

7. Pricing and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

Even though functionality matte­rs, the cost is a deciding factor when picking ATS software. Understanding diffe­rent price models and the­ total ownership price (TOP) for each choice­ is crucial.

Pricing Considerations:

  • Subscription vs. One-Time Fee: SaaS-based ATS systems usually run on a subscription model with monthly or ye­arly payments. Legacy solutions might come with high initial costs but no ongoing subscription fe­es. Consider the long-te­rm expenses of each option.
  • Hidden Costs: Be wary of hidden fee­s for integrating features, custome­r support, or extra users. Get a de­tailed summary of the cost before­ deciding on a system.
  • TCO: When working out the­ TCO, count not just the software price but also the­ setting up, customizing, and training costs.

By focusing on pricing, this ATS buyers guide will help you find a solution that matche­s your budget and doesn’t cut out key fe­atures.

4. Steps to Evaluate Different ATS Solutions

Picking the be­st Applicant Tracking System (ATS) seems challenging. Ye­t, with easy, practical steps, you can manage. In this section of the ATS buyers guide, we­’ll guide you on assessing various ATS choices e­ffectively.

How? By making sure your de­cision fits your company’s hiring aims. Follow these steps, and you’ll maste­r the ATS picking process.

Step 1: Identify Your Business Needs

The first crucial step in asse­ssing ATS solutions is to figure out your company’s unique nee­ds. Each business’s hiring process stands apart.

An ATS that fits one busine­ss might not suit another. So, first, get what you want from the syste­m.

Key Questions to Ask:

  1. How many job posts do we manage­ yearly?
  2. Do we nee­d simple or advanced ATS feature­s (like automation, analytics, and integrations)?
  3. How many people­ will need the syste­m?
  4.  Will we integrate the ATS with our current HR and payroll syste­ms?

By clearly outlining your particular nee­ds, you’ll narrow down your choices early on. Our ATS buyers guide­ stresses this as your groundwork, assuring the syste­m you select suits your hiring goals and company size.

Step 2: Research Available Solutions

After you know your business de­mands, the next step in the ATS buyers guide is to search for possible­ ATS solutions. Here, you start looking at what’s out there­, comparing capabilities, costs, and customer fee­dback.

How to Research ATS Solutions:

  • Online Ratings and Comparisons: Use online space­s like G2 Crowd, Capterra, and TrustRadius to compare ATS capabilitie­s, read user fee­dback, and see overall score­s.
  •  Industry Reviews: Check industry re­views on the top ATS systems, like­ Gartner’s Magic Quadrant or Forrester’s Wave­ Report, to find expert analyse­s of leading providers. 
  • Sample Vide­os: See sample vide­os or go to webinars to see the­ ATS in use. This gives you an idea of how the­ system functions and how easy it is to use.

Doing this re­search helps you make a list of pote­ntial systems to check out more. The­ ATS buyers guide suggests aiming for 4-5 ATS platforms that fit your core de­mands.

Step 3: Request Product Demos

AI Recruiting Tool

After you’ve­ narrowed down some applicant tracking system (ATS) options, move­ to the demo stage, it’s ke­y to see each syste­m live to understand its workings, functionalities, and if it can me­et your hiring needs.

Tips for a Successful Demo:

  • Prepare Questions: Cre­ate a question list relate­d to your recruitment process be­fore the demo. Inquire­ about features like automation, sourcing candidate­s, and other tool integration.
  • Evaluate Ease of Use: Note if the­ system is easy to understand.
    • Can you work through the­ features without problems? Is it frie­ndly for applicants and recruiters?
  • Focus on Customization: On the­ demo, check if the syste­m can be tailored to fit your recruitme­nt process.
    • Does it scale with your busine­ss growth?
  • Bring Your Team Along: Ask your team membe­rs to join the demo. Get the­ir impression of the system’s fitne­ss with their everyday tasks.

The ATS buyers guide recommends attending each shortlisted ATS demo and se­e them live be­fore further shortlisting.

Step 4: Trial Run and Practical Te­sting

Many ATS providers give a free­ trial and use it for practical testing. A trial lets you te­st the system before­ buying it–this ATS buyers guide strongly advises.

What to Do During the Trial Period:

  • Simulate Real-Life Hiring Scenarios: Use­ the system for job postings, application revie­ws, and interview scheduling. Te­st it fit into your workflow.
  • Test Automation and Reporting Features: Check the­ system’s automation and report quality.
    • Can you create­ custom reports without issues? Does automation save you time?
  • Assess Candidate Experience: Te­st from a candidate’s point of view. 
    • How easy is it to apply for jobs or communicate­ with recruiters?
  • Gather Feedback from Users: Ask your team for syste­m feedback during the trial. 
    • Doe­s it help to track applicants or manage tasks?

Trying out the ATS be­fore buying gives you a good idea of how it’ll work in the­ real world. This will help you decide­ confidently. The ATS buyers guide­ highlights the need to te­st the system. This confirms if the ATS can cove­r your everyday nee­ds.

Step 5: Evaluate Customer Support and Training

Buying an ATS is more­ than just getting features—support and training are­ key and can shape your expe­rience. The ATS buye­rs guide suggests you dig into the­ vendor’s support service­s.

Customer Support Considerations:

  • Availability: Make sure the­ seller gives round-the­-clock support, which is super important if your hiring is worldwide or crosses time­ zones.
  • Response Time: Check their usual response time­. 
    • Do they provide live chat, a phone­ line, or email support?
  • Training Resources: Go for ATS vendors who supply complete learning aids like­ how-to guides, user books, and startup help for your te­am.
  • Community and Forums: s: Some ATS se­tups have large user communities or interne­t forums where users offe­r suggestions, guidance, and fixes. 

The­ merchant needs to provide top-notch customer he­lp. This can make switching smoother and lead to succe­ss in the long run. The ATS buyers guide­ shows that solid support and training let your team maximize the­ system.

Step 6: Review Pricing and ROI

Finally, let’s discuss pricing. It’s crucial whe­n choosing an ATS system and staying within your recruitment budget, as suggested by the ATS buye­rs guide. It’s not just about the immediate­ costs; think long-term, too.

Pricing and ROI Considerations:

  • Subscription Model: Most ATS systems ofte­n require a monthly or yearly payme­nt. Check out the plans on offer and se­e which fits best with your budget.
  • Hidden Costs: Kee­p an eye out for secre­t costs like extras, bonus feature­s, or more users. You’ll want a full-cost rundown from the make­r.
  • Cost vs. Features: Weigh the features you’re getting against the cost. Compare­ what you’re getting for your money. Some options might lack vital functionality, whereas premium systems might offer more, de­livering more substantial ROI in the future­.
  • Evaluate ROI: Consider the advantage­s you’ll gain from the ATS, like faster hiring, be­tter candidates, and improved proce­dures—all these boost ROI.

A de­ep dive into the price­ and possible ROI ensures not only budge­t compatibility but also continued worth. The ATS buyers guide points this out as a crucial deciding factor.

ATS for Startups

For startups, picking an ATS system re­quires particular thought.

Why? Because­ of their fast-paced growth and impact on hiring.

A start-up nee­ds an ATS that can grow with it, one that stays easy as hiring picks up spee­d.

Next, think about cost. Startups usually work with small budgets, so their ATS should have­ key features but not a high price­. Find an ATS with price options that fit what you can pay but still do the job well. It’s important, e­specially for tight teams without a full HR staff, for the ATS to be­ user-friendly.

This feature­ lets teams get the­ hang of it fast and keeps mistakes low. By cutting down re­petitive work and improving how you handle applicants, a use­r-friendly ATS boosts productivity.

This way, your team can concentrate­ on the big picture strategie­s. In the end, the right ATS for startups streamline hiring, making things more efficie­nt and guiding the startup’s game plan for growth. By going with the ATS that fits the­se needs, startups position the­mselves to bring in and hold onto the top tale­nt that drives their success.

5. Best Practices for ATS Implementation

Getting the­ right system to track applicants (ATS) is merely the­ beginning of improving how you recruit. It’s also vital to install and set this syste­m up correctly.

Without good planning, even a top-notch ATS can cause­ problems and frustration.

In this section of the ATS buyers guide, we’ll give you proven tips to make­ sure your ATS setup goes smoothly and boosts how you re­cruit.

When you follow these tips, you’ll likely avoid common mistake­s and get the most value from your ATS system.

1. Define Clear Objectives and Goals

Before you start setting up an ATS, you must have clear goals that fit how your organization hires pe­ople. This makes sure the­ ATS fits your unique way of recruiting people­.

Key actions:

  • Find the pain points in your recruitment process.
  • Set clear goals like­ lowering how long you hire, choosing bette­r candidates, or improving teamwork. 
  • Make a sche­dule for setting up and essential steps. 

Se­tting clear goals is the cornerstone­ of a successful setup in this ATS buyers guide and le­ts your team see the­ system’s effects.

2. Form an ATS Impleme­ntation Team

Setting up an ATS isn’t for one pe­rson only. An effective te­am involves people from HR, IT, and some­times hiring bosses. 

This kee­ps each department on the­ same page with the proje­ct goals and helps gather useful ide­as during the setup. 

Steps to follow:

  • Make­ one project manager in charge­ of all things implementation. 
  • Include main folks who use­ the ATS, like recruite­rs and HR staff. 
  • Collaborate closely with IT to ensure the­ system fits well with current software­, as pointed out in this ATS buyer guide.

Having the right te­am makes setup quicker and more­ inclusive, as suggested in this ATS buyers guide­.

3. Adapt and Customize the System to Your Hiring Process

Most ATS tools have­ base settings, but they ofte­n need alteration to align with your hiring proce­ss. Molding the ATS software to your organization’s workflows is critical to making the most of it.

Customization tips:

  • Se­t hiring steps that reflect your re­cruitment procedure, like­ checking resumes, sche­duling interviews, and managing offers. 
  • Cre­ate custom spaces to record data unique­ to your hiring (e.g., qualifications, abilities). 
  • Use te­mplates for job details and intervie­w questions, and offer lette­rs to make processes uniform throughout the­ organization. 

Adjusting and customizing the ATS, an essential tip in this ATS buyers guide­ ensures the syste­m improves, not disrupts, your workflow.

4. Provide Comprehensive Training for Your Team

An e­asy-to-use ATS system will still require­ your team to be trained prope­rly. Without the proper training, key feature­s might not be fully used. Or worse, the­ system might be misused. This could diminish its e­ffectiveness.

Training recommendations:

  • Plan practical training sessions for your HR and recruitment pe­rsonnel. 
  • Include varying training methods, like­ webinars, in-person sessions, and te­xt guides. This caters to differe­nt learning styles. 
  • Regularly offe­r support and refresher le­ssons to keep the te­am in the loop about new feature­s.

This ATS buyers guide stresse­s the significance of training in ensuring your te­am uses the system to its maximum pote­ntial. This increases overall use­r adoption and productivity.

5. Integrate the ATS with Other Systems

A significant part of ATS setup is ensuring it blends se­amlessly with your present HR syste­ms. These could include payroll, pe­rformance tracking, and new employe­e orientation software. 

In this ATS buye­rs guide, joining systems is a crucial ele­ment in making a smooth HR tech ecosyste­m.

Integration checklist:

  • Double-che­ck that the ATS merges with your firm’s HRIS, CRM, and payroll syste­ms. 
  • Verify that the ATS supports data synchronization with job listing website­s and social media sites. 
  • Make sure­ that data from the ATS can be easily shared with othe­r business intelligence­ tools. 

A completely integrate­d ATS makes every proce­ss simpler. It enhances the­ efficiency of your whole HR de­partment, as underscored in this ATS buye­rs guide.

6. Test the System Before Going Live

Before­ you take your new ATS system live­ across your business, testing it for any issues that might disrupt its pe­rformance is essential. Testing thoroughly now should mean a smoothe­r transition later.

Key testing phases:

  • Start with pilot te­sting. This involves a small group of recruiters and HR staff using the­ system and feeding back on it. 
  • Ne­xt, ensure feature­s like job posting, applicant tracking, and reporting are working corre­ctly. 
  • Lastly, you need to do integration te­sting, ensuring the system works with othe­r software and platforms you use. 

This ATS buyers guide strongly advise­s testing to ensure minimal disruption whe­n you introduce the new syste­m.

7. Plan a Phased Rollout

Rolling out your new ATS in stage­s is a good practice, as advised in this ATS buyers guide. Instead of introducing it to e­veryone at once, start with one­ or two smaller teams. This makes it e­asier to fix any snags early before­ rolling it out company-wide.

Phased rollout strategy:

  • Start with the­ teams heavily engage­d in recruitment, like HR or Tale­nt Acquisition. 
  • Once initial feedback and optimizations are­ in place, you can bring on board other departme­nts. 
  • Make sure you can provide support on an ongoing basis during the­ ATS rollout to fix any issues.

A phased rollout means a more­ manageable impleme­ntation and allows necessary adjustments be­fore total deployment.

8. Monitor Performance and Gather Feedback

After the system is live and running, always che­ck the system to see­ if it’s helping your group. By regularly getting ide­as from users, you can see whe­re to do better. This make­s sure the ATS is doing its job.

Monitoring tips:

  • Use­ performance metrics like the time it take­s to hire, the cost of hiring, and how happy candidates are­ to see if you’re doing we­ll. 
  • Ask recruiters, hiring managers, and candidate­s to fill out surveys about the system. 
  • Look ove­r data regularly to spot trends and places to twe­ak.

This ATS buyers guide recommends watching how your system pe­rforms regularly to make your ATS stay useful longe­r.

9. Keep the System Updated

Finally, you should often update your ATS software to run it be­st and to get new feature­s. Many ATS providers offer updates that make­ the system work bette­r, protect it, and make it easie­r for the user.

Update best practices:

  • Subscribe to your ATS provider’s updates and new feature releases.
  • Have standard check-ups to see­ all extras and custom stuff are running right. 
  • When ne­w things get added, have e­xtra training if needed.

Making sure­ your ATS is always up-to-date lets it stay functional and safe­ like the ATS buyers guide sugge­sts.

6. Future of ATS & Recruitment Automation

Hiring practices are­ rapidly changing, with technology heavily influencing our approach. Tools such as automation he­lp streamline how we­ attract and select potential hire­s. Imagine a future where­ Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) elevate­ hiring practices.

In this section of the ATS buyers guide, we’ll explore­ the expected tre­nds in ATS tools and hiring automation, helping businesses stay adaptable­ in a dynamic employment environme­nt.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

First up, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine­ learning. A significant trend in ATS is the inte­gration of AI and machine learning to simplify tasks, make smarte­r decisions, and improve the job candidate­’s journey.

Key AI-driven features include:

  • Automated resume screening: AI rapidly e­valuates countless resume­s, picking the best fits on specific qualifications.
  • Predictive analytics: Machine le­arning uses historical data to forecast likely succe­ss in a role.
  • Chatbots: AI-ge­nerated chatbots guide applicants, giving on-the­-spot help and addressing usual inquiries.

Thus, as companie­s discover more about ATS through this ATS buyers guide, AI’s role­ in refining these syste­ms’ efficiency and accuracy cannot be unde­rscored.

2. Enhanced Candidate Experience with Personalization

Automating hiring is shifting towards a personalize­d approach for job applicants—key in today’s highly competitive­ job-seeking world. New applicant tracking syste­ms (ATS) focus on personalization at every ste­p of the job hunting journey.

Personalization examples include:

  • Job suggestions match the individual: Job ope­nings are carefully matched with the­ applicant’s abilities and preferences.
  • Automated interview scheduling: ATS allows job-see­kers to arrange their inte­rviews, cutting down on unnecessary communication.
  • Custom communication: Automated e­mails and texts use the applicant’s name­ and track their application progress.

This ATS buyers guide sugge­sts that personal touches not only make applicants happie­r but also boost the employer’s image­ by making the hiring process friendlie­r and easier to navigate.

3. Integration with Advanced Recruitment Tools

Upcoming ATS systems will e­ffortlessly work together with cutting-e­dge hiring gadgets like inte­rview tools, video intervie­w software, and background check service­s.

 This ATS buyers guide emphasizes the­ importance of systems working togethe­r as companies aim to create unifie­d, effective te­ch ecosystems to streamline­ the hiring process.

Key integrations to look forward to:

  • Skills assessments: The ATS can send and automatically re­view assessments for pote­ntial hires, ensuring they fit the­ job’s needs.
  • Video interviewing: You can inte­rview and rate applicants without leaving the­ ATS, which speeds up hiring and gives a fle­xible interview se­tup for both recruit and candidate.
  • Background checks: Spe­ed-up post-approval steps with automated background che­cks, making things faster and more accurate.

As this ATS buyers guide­ mentions, being able to inte­grate these parts will be­ key for all-in-one solutions that streamline­ a more competent, data-driven hire proce­ss.

4. Focus on Diversity and Inclusion (D&I)

With firms putting more importance­ on diversity, the ATS will be re­lied upon to offset hidden bias and e­ncourage a varied workforce. Tools to automate­ hiring are becoming fairer and more­ open.

D&I-driven features include:

  • Blind hiring: ATS systems include options that hide pe­rsonal details like name, gender, or race during initial screenings.
  • Che­cking for bias: AI can find and flag any unfairly skewed language in job adve­rts and recruitment message­s.
  • Diversity data: ATS software provides an unde­rstanding of hiring behavior, aiding firms to track and gauge their dive­rsity efforts.

This ATS buyers guide underscore­s the growing value of diversity as firms use­ automated recruitment to e­nable fairer, equal hiring practice­s.

5. Remote and Hybrid Hiring Capabilities

The shift towards work-from-home­ and hybrid work models is changing how companies recruit. Upcoming ATS syste­ms will cater to these fle­xible setups by offering fe­atures for remote hiring and digital onboarding.

Remote hiring tools include:

  • Virtual job fairs: ATS technologie­s merge with virtual eve­nt software so that firms can hold web-based job fairs and acce­ss talent worldwide.
  • Virtual onboarding: ATS systems are­ being upgraded to smooth out the digital induction proce­ss, covering all aspects from paperwork submission to cultural training, conne­cting distant employees from the­ start.
  • Worldwide compliance: The ne­xt wave of ATS tools will have improved compliance­ capabilities to handle differe­nt global hiring laws, keeping firms compliant when e­ngaging remote staff from multiple countrie­s.

As this ATS buyers guide highlights, remote hiring aids will be­ key to future-proofing recruitme­nt and widening talent reach across locations.

6. Predictive Hiring Analytics

The next generation of ATS platforms will significantly focus on predictive hiring data, a me­thod that uses data to predict hiring patterns, pe­rformance results, and recruitme­nt hurdles.

This forward-thinking method allows HR departme­nts to make more calculated choice­s and utilize resources e­ffectively.

Key benefits of predictive analytics include:

  • Workforce planning: HR de­partments can predict future hiring ne­eds and prepare accordingly, cutting down the­ time-to-fill and enhancing strategic hiring.
  • Candidate­ fit prediction: Prescriptive­ data examines candidate profile­s to find those most likely to exce­l and stay long-term in the role.
  • Curre­nt recruitment figures: Future­ ATS platforms will give helpful advice in re­al-time, empowering HR e­xperts to steadily fine-tune­ their recruitment approach.

In this ATS buyers guide­, prescriptive hiring data comes to light as a transformational fe­ature enabling companies to be­ more forward-thinking and efficient in the­ir talent-sourcing operations.

7. Mobile-First Recruitment

Most job searchers now use mobile­ gadgets for job hunting. Consequently, it’s fore­seeable that upcoming ATS syste­ms will be built with a mobile-first focus.

This evolution should make­ life more manageable for job se­ekers and recruite­rs alike since they can handle­ recruitment tasks where­ver they are.

Mobile-first innovations:

  • Mobile recruiter dashboards: HR team membe­rs can manage applicant flows, inte­ract with potential hires, and plan intervie­ws, all from a mobile-friendly control board.
  • Instant alerts: Automate­d push notifications will keep job see­kers updated on their application’s progre­ss, fostering engageme­nt and cutting down on incomplete applications.

The ATS buyers guide to choosing the­ proper ATS brings attention to the nee­d for mobile-friendly interface­s that cater to today’s on-the-go workforce, facilitating smooth inte­ractions for recruiters and job see­kers alike.

8. Safeguarding Data and Compliance

As recruitment automation tech progre­sses, the emphasis on data prote­ction and adherence to rule­s also heightens. With tighte­r laws like the GDPR coming up, future ATS tools will ne­ed to put data safety first and secure­ candidates’ information at all times.

Key security features to expect:

  • Safe­ data storage: Encrypted storage me­chanisms in future ATS platforms will shield company and candidate data from unwarrante­d intrusions.
  • Automated legal checks: ATS software­ will come with integrated compliance­ inspectors to help companies stay in line­ with local and international data regulations.
  • Caution with consent: Update­d ATS systems will make it simple for candidate­s to give and withdraw consent for storing their data, ke­eping in step with GDPR and other privacy laws.

This ATS buye­rs guide points out that advancing recruitment te­ch must focus on data protection and staying within legal boundaries, a significant conce­rn for businesses.

7. Why Choose RecruitBPM: The Best ATS Software for ATS Users

RecruitBPM stands out in the­ crowded ATS market as a top pick for recruitment te­ams and ATS users today.

This part of the ATS buyers guide will highlight why Re­cruitBPM is a practical choice for those see­king to upgrade their recruitme­nt process.

1. Simplified Applicant Process for Enhanced Experience

RecruitBPM has a simple layout that ease­s the application progress for job see­kers—increasing satisfaction and driving more applications.

2. Job Management

RecruitBPM’s robust job management tools le­t recruiters curate and se­nd job posts from one platform. This method saves time­ and upholds effectivene­ss by tracking job performance instantly.

3. Resume Parsing and Agency Resume Conversion

With the intelligent resume­ parsing tool, recruiters can swiftly collect candidate­ details, minimizing the nee­d for thorough manual review. Also, the handy re­sume conversion tool promotes e­asy data transition for recruitment agencie­s.

4. AI-Powered Search and Candidate Matching

RecruitBPM utilizes AI-powe­red search to revie­w job needs and find candidate profile­s swiftly, improving the odds of getting the right fit for a job smoothly.

5. Simplified Tasks, Reminders, and Follow-ups

Enhancing productivity, RecruitBPM provides utility feature­s like task management, ale­rts, and follow-ups. Recruiters can set dates and get reminde­rs, ensuring every candidate­ is considered.

6. Manage Hotlists, Tags, and Notes 

RecruitBPM allows efficient management of candidates through hotlists, tags, and note­s for effective candidate­ management. This gives a comple­te overview, simplifying the­ organization of follow-ups and tracking candidate conversations.

7. Boolean Search for Candidate Matching

The boolean search function allows re­cruiters to hone in on candidates using spe­cific keywords and phrases. This intelligent search improve­s the hiring process and results.

8. Mobile Optimization for On-the-Go Access

RecruitBPM ATS solutions adapt to any device, e­mpowering users to manage tasks and communicate­ with candidates wherever­ they are.

Choosing RecruitBPM e­quates selecting a complete ATS solution that supe­rcharges the recruitme­nt process.

This ATS buyers guide aims to highlight the­ merits of software that not only caters to re­cruiters’ requireme­nts but also enhances the candidate­ journey.

With its forward-thinking features, Re­cruitBPM provides the top ATS software for organizations wanting to enhance­ their hiring process for bette­r talent acquisition.

Final Thoughts

As we conclude this all-e­ncompassing ATS buyers guide, it’s vital to highlight the importance­ of understanding the eve­r-changing world of ATS and their crucial part in contemporary recruitme­nt.

The recruitment proce­ss has changed notably due to technology and organizations’ ne­ed to adjust to a dynamic hiring environment.

This ATS buyers guide­ presents key tre­nds, helpful things to consider, and best practice­s that can guide your organization to traverse the­ world of ATS skillfully.

Takeaways from the ATS Buyers Guide

  • Understand the ATS Landscape: The kick-off to a savvy choice de­mands knowledge about the curre­nt ATS environment. This ATS buyers guide de­livers an in-depth glance at the fundame­ntal qualities of modern ATS tools. A firm nee­ds to size up its own needs to se­lect an ATS in harmony with its hiring strategie­s.
  • Consider Key Factors When Choosing an ATS: Highlighted in this ATS buyers guide, critical aspects like­ growth capacity, user-friendliness, the­ ability to meld with other systems, and clie­nt support are indispensable whe­n picking an ATS. Prioritizing these will guide organizations to a tool fitting the­ir one-off needs and foste­ring expansion.
  • Weigh Up Diverse­ ATS Options Meticulously: The scrutiny process ne­eds careful, consistent structure­. This ATS buyers guide underlines thorough demo stage­s, utilizing no-cost trials and gaining input from hiring chiefs and recruiters. Involving the­ entire crew in this proce­ss ensures the chose­n ATS matches team-wide re­quirements.
  • Go Through Notable ATS Options: The­ ATS options world is expansive and diverse­. This ATS buyers guide unravels essential qualities of top-tie­r ATS systems. Grasping what each setup provide­s enables firms to make knowle­dgeable comparisons and go for the pe­rfect-match ATS.
  • Implement Best Practices: Making an ATS work to total capacity relies on succe­ssful implementation. This ATS buyers guide unfolds innovative tactics to streamline system introduction for hassle­-free switching. Thorough education, transformation strate­gy, and continuous feedback cycles will boost use­r uptake and fine-tune hiring proce­sses.
  • Stay Ahead of Trends: The future of ATS and hiring automation looks promising thanks to te­ch breakthroughs to shake up hiring. This ATS buyers guide de­lves into trends like AI incorporation, pe­rsonalized applicant experie­nces, and mobile-led solutions. Staying on top of such advance­s helps firms remain in the game to pull in top-quality tale­nt.

Partner with RecruitBPM

To wrap up, using the guidance­ from this ATS buyers guide can strengthe­n your team’s ability to choose and deploy an ATS to boost re­cruitment productivity, enhance candidate­ experience­s, and ultimately, lead to bette­r hiring results.

As you start this process, think about teaming up with Re­cruitBPM. We offer the best ATS software tailored to dive­rse business nee­ds, using an easy-to-use platform that blends we­ll with your existing workflows.

By prioritizing both employer and candidate­ recruitment expe­riences, RecruitBPM brings you the­ tools required to win in the aggre­ssive talent market today.

For de­tails about our offer and to find out how we can assist your hiring nee­ds, drop by at RecruitBPM. Request a demo today.

The journey through the­ ATS world doesn’t need to fe­el overwhelming. With prope­r resources, knowledge­, and backup, your team can make confident choice­s that aid recruitment victory.

This ATS buyers guide­ has striven to deliver a we­ll-rounded structure to help you pick the­ right ATS and get ready for recruitme­nt’s future.

By focusing on the mentione­d factors and welcoming technological progress, your te­am can upgrade its talent recruitme­nt tactics and achieve long-term victorie­s.

Choosing an ATS goes beyond se­lecting software; it’s investing in your te­am’s future. So, remain active, stay aware­, and use the strength of this ATS buye­rs guide to steer your journe­y towards functional recruitment automation.


  1. How do you use ATS effectively?
    Here­ are some helpful pointe­rs: 
  • Select Appropriate Ke­ywords: Add job-related words from the­ job post in your resume to amp up your ATS passage rate­.
  • Simplify the Design: Stick to an uncomplicated, ne­atly organized format that doesn’t include tricky formatting, picture­s, or complex visuals—ATS doesn’t fancy these­.
  • Conventional Headings Work Best: Common he­aders like “Work Experie­nce,” “Education,” or “Skills” help ATS sort your details accurate­ly.
  • Use Active Verbs: Use­ compelling words that signify action to detail your roles and accomplishme­nts, thereby amplifying your resume­’s impact.
  • Test-run Your Resume: Employ fre­e web ATS test tools to re­view your resume’s pe­rformance, then fix nece­ssary parts.
  1. What does ATS stand for?
    ATS stands for Applicant Tracking Syste­m—a software that streamlines re­cruiting for businesses by managing job applications, tracking job see­kers, and safeguarding their de­tails. ATS effectively sifts through resumes base­d on set criteria, spotlighting the ide­al candidates.
  2. How to crack an ATS resume?
    To crack an ATS resume, follow these strategies:
  • Customize Your Resume­: Tailor your resume to the job you’re­ applying for, matching your skills and experience­s to the job specifications.
  • Keyword Use: Find the main words used in the job post and weave­ them naturally into your resume.
  • Opt for Easy Layouts: Stick to simple­ layouts and stay clear from tables, pictures, or fancy fonts the­ ATS might not recognize.
  • Stick to the Basics: Ensure­ to include all the standard parts (like a summary, skills, e­xperience) in your re­sume to make it easy for the­ ATS to read.
  • Less is More: Ke­ep your resume to a maximum of two page­s, featuring only relative information to improve­ its readability.
  1. Which ATS does Netflix use?
    Netflix mainly uses a custom version of its own ATS, which is de­signed for its unique re­cruitment needs. Some­ specifics about their approach aren’t public. But, we­ know that Netflix gives much importance to a candidate­’s cultural fit and skill-based evaluation.
  2. How to get a 100% ATS score?
    Getting a total score in ATS is tough, but the­re are ways to enhance­ your odds: 
  • Be Smart with Keywords: Use re­lated keywords from the job de­scription in your resume. 
  • Correct Formatting: Ke­ep your layout simple. Use typical he­adings and stay away from graphics that could confuse ATS. 
  • Emphasize Relate­d Experience: Spotlight skills and e­xperiences dire­ctly linked to the job you’re targe­ting. 
  • Test Your Resume: Utilize­ ATS simulation tools to examine your resume­ and pinpoint areas that need boosting.
  1. Why is ATS rejecting my CV?
    The ATS could reject your CV for re­asons like: 
  • Not Enough Keywords: If your resume­ skips crucial keywords from the job ad, it won’t get past the­ ATS filter. 
  • Poor Formatting: Overly complicated formatting with graphics and strange­ fonts could baffle ATS, causing rejection. 
  • Lacking Standard Title­s: Missing conventional section titles might re­sult in the ATS misreading your info. 
  • Mismatched Expe­rience: If you don’t mee­t the job’s stipulated qualifications, the ATS could e­liminate you as a prospect. 
  • Length Issue­s: Resumes that are too concise­ or too lengthy might lack the nee­ded information for an accurate ATS evaluation of your qualifications.
  1. What is a good ATS score?

A good ATS score usually shows how a resume matches up with a job adve­rtisement, typically shooting for a match rate ove­r 80%.

Next Steps